January 6, 2021
New Publication: ICMAH Annual Conference 2019, in Kyoto, Japan
The Annual Conference of ICMAH (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Archaeology and History) took place in Kyoto, Japan, on September 2nd-4th, 2019
Proceeding is now online
ICMAH being one of the oldest committees in ICOM, is also inclusive of the largest theme in museums by its professionality on archaeology and history. Keeping the memory of all times and all traditions, archaeology and history museums and their collections are always missioned to transmit the knowledge of the humanity for future generations since centuries.
During this year’s annual conference, ICMAH would like to examine anew the role of archaeological and historical museums in contemporary archaeology. In any country, a lot of museums used to be the centre of archaeological activities and studies, and many are still.
However, the traditional relations between museums and archaeology changes with the practice of preventive – salvage (or contract) archaeology and other archaeological research practices that increase and disperse in number. The diversity of archaeological organizations modifies also the access to the resources and the data in the same region. In these circumstances a number of collections are commonly exhibited outside museums nowadays. On the other hand, the public has still the perception that the place to keep and to research of archaeological objects, findings and collections is a museum.
How should we consider this gap? How can we keep our museums active, updated and attractive as a ‘hub’ in contemporary archaeology? How should museums and associated organization work together with the local community to provide rich archaeology and history consciousness? This inclusiveness of theme proposes also a very wide evaluation of the museums as a ‘cultural hub’ in their location. The essential approach is to open visions on the missions of archaeology and history museums to serve to their communities in the future.
The essential approach is to open visions on the missions of archaeology and history museums to serve to their communities in the future.